Recapping June’s Blinn College Trustees Meeting

Blinn College trustees are the first in line to approve their budget for next year.

Trustees approved a budget where state revenue decreased more than $527,323 dollars, tuition revenue from out of district students…most of which is generated in Bryan…is budgeted to increase $691,436 dollars, and general fee revenue from all campuses is budgeted to increase $3,086,727 dollars.

The amount of revenue generated from property taxes in Washington County to help operate the Brenham campus will not change. That amount, $1,798,045 dollars, represents 1.7% of Blinn’s total revenue.

The approved budget adds another two percent towards salaries and another three percent towards benefits.

Click HERE to read and download Blinn’s 2017-18 school year budget.

In addition to the budget, trustees approved changing Mary Hensley’s title from president to chancellor and extended her contract through the year 2020. The recommendation from the trustees chairman did not give specifics on the additional compensation she will receive, only that it acknowledged Dr. Hensley’s “outstanding performance and marketplace conditions.”

Click HERE to read and download the recommendation to extend Mary Hensley’s contract.

Trustees approved two projects for the Bryan campus…$147,000 to replace two hot water boilers that are failing after 21 years to provide heat to three buildings, and $95,000 to repave older parking lots.

Click HERE to read and download background information on replacing hot water boilers.

Click HERE to read and download background information for repaving parking lots.

And trustees approved administrators request to seek bids on nearly $6 million dollars of equipment and other items related to Blinn’s new building that’s under construction on the RELLIS campus.

Click HERE to read and download background information on seeking bids at the RELLIS campus building.


Screen shot of page 1 of the Blinn College 2017-2018 school year budget.


Blinn College’s recap of the June 20, 2017 board of trustees meeting:

The Blinn College Board of Trustees approved a $112.6 million budget for Fiscal Year 2018 during its regular meeting Tuesday, representing a 4.5 percent increase over the previous year.
The budget includes a 3 percent salary increase for staff and full-time faculty that will total $1.8 million, an increase in contingency funds to $3 million, and a $1.1 million increase to the replacement and renovations budget.

Per the budget, tuition and fees will represent $60.2 million, or 55.9 percent, of Blinn’s total revenue. The budget includes $23.6 million (21 percent) in state funding and $1.8 million (1.6 percent) in tax revenue. Blinn only collects property tax revenue in Washington County, and per state law, those funds can only be utilized on the Blinn-Brenham Campus.

In other business, the board extended District President/CEO Dr. Mary Hensley’s contract through June 30, 2020, and effective July 1, changed her title to Chancellor of the Blinn College District, reflecting her role as chief executive of a 19,422-student, four-campus institution that will expand to five campuses with the opening of the RELLIS Campus facility in Fall 2018.

“Dr. Hensley has made an historic impact upon Blinn College during her two years as District President/CEO,” said Charles Moser, Board Chair. “She has strengthened Blinn’s partnerships with Texas A&M University and The Texas A&M University System; overseen the development of the RELLIS Campus and new student housing at the Brenham Campus; administered safety, landscaping, parking, and traffic improvements at the Bryan Campus; built strong state-wide relationships during the 85th Legislative Session; and overseen the development of a three-year strategic plan with input from faculty, students, staff, and the community.

“In light of her tireless efforts in support of the Blinn College District and its students, we are pleased to extend Dr. Hensley’s contract and look forward to all she will accomplish on behalf of Blinn students in the years to come.”

During the meeting, the board adopted a resolution in recognition of the 150th anniversary of the Brenham Fire Department, which expresses the College’s gratitude for all the Brenham Fire Department does to protect Blinn College and the Brenham community.

The board also authorized the College to seek bids or proposals for equipment costs related to the Fall 2018 opening of the RELLIS Campus, including furniture, fixtures, audio visual, technology, food service, security, laboratory equipment, building commissioning, signage, graphics, installation, professional fees and other soft costs. As bids or proposals are collected, the award of any contracts or purchase of any equipment or materials over $50,000 will be brought before the board for approval, per College policy.

Trustees authorized the College to award and execute contracts totaling $261,560 for fitness equipment, furniture, and concessions equipment to be used in the Brenham Campus Kruse Center; a $147,031 contract to replace two hot water boilers on the Bryan Campus; and a $95,848 contract for Bryan Campus parking lot maintenance and repairs.

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