The College Station school board took no action on the final recommendations to change boundaries of fifth through 12th grade buildings.
Tuesday’s meeting was the first time the entire board had the opportunity to discuss recommendations from a 37 member committee. That’s because only three board members attended committee meetings in order to keep them private.
Board members asked administrators to research a variety of questions. They will be reviewed during three upcoming special meetings, on September 27th at 6 p.m., October 3rd at 5 p.m. and October 11 at 5 p.m.
Click below for a sampling of comments from the CSISD board meeting:
Click HERE to download the presentation made at the CSISD board of trustees meeting.
Click below for comments from CSISD deputy superintendent Mike Martindale:
Click below for public comments:
Additional information from CSISD on the boundary committee’s final recommendations:
Intermediate and Middle School Attendance Zones: The new intermediate school zones will go into effect when Pecan Trail Intermediate opens in August 2017. The new middle school zones will go into effect when Middle School No. 3 opens in August 2018.
High School Attendance Zones: The new high school zones will go into effect in August 2017.
Grandfathering for Intermediate and Middle Schools: The recommendation is for students who are entering their last year at an intermediate or middle school when the new zones take effect may elect to grandfather for one year. These students could stay at their current school for the final year if they can provide their own transportation.
Grandfathering for High Schools: The recommendation is for students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year when the new zones take effect in August 2017 may elect to grandfather. These students could stay at their current school through graduation if they can provide their own transportation. High school younger siblings of sophomores, juniors and seniors who elect to grandfather in 2017-2018 are eligible to grandfather as well and may elect to stay at the school until graduation if they can provide their own transportation. Any siblings younger than high school age in 2017-2018 are not eligible to grandfather.
Original story:
Tuesday night’s College Station school board agenda includes the final recommendations for redrawing boundaries for 5th through 12th grade campuses.
The final recommendations by a 37 member committee, which met twice after receiving public comment, also includes when changes go into effect and proposed grandfathering policies.
The only change in the maps is moving 5th through 8th grade students living in the Nantucket area from Oakwood to Intermediate School #3.
Tuesday night’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the CSISD board room.
Click HERE to read and download a memo outlining the boundary committee’s final recommendations.
Click HERE to read and download the recommended boundaries for 5th through 8th grade campuses.
Click HERE to read and download the recommended boundaries for 9th through 12th grade campuses.