College Station City Council Modifies Its Policy On Extending Services Outside The City Limits, Then Denies A Homeowner’s Request On A Split Vote

Photo from the city of College Station showing council members (Standing L-R) John Crompton, Bob Brick, John Nichols, Dennis Maloney and (Seated L-R) Linda Harvell, Mayor Karl Mooney, Elizabeth Cunha.
Photo from the city of College Station showing council members (Standing L-R) John Crompton, Bob Brick, John Nichols, Dennis Maloney and (Seated L-R) Linda Harvell, Mayor Karl Mooney, Elizabeth Cunha.

The College Station city council denies a request from a homeowner who lives one block from the city limits to connect to city sewer.

City manager Bryan Woods told the council during the January 27, 2022 meeting that the options were granting the request based on the economic benefit to the city or the homeowner could apply for annexation.

The council was told that the economic benefit to the city is charging a monthly sewer rate that is 50 percent more compared to what paid by city residents.

Dennis Maloney, who was part of the five to two vote against the homeowner’s request, favored the homeowner seeking annexation.

John Nichols, who joined Karl Mooney in voting for the homeowner’s request, noted the precedent it would set for neighboring homeowners who also just outside the city limits.

The homeowner’s request was denied after the council unanimously approved expanding the list of exceptions that could be given for allowing water and sewer connections within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), which is within five miles of the College Station city limits.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials about the homeowner’s request to connect to city sewer.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials about changing the policy for allowing water and sewer connections within College Station’s ETJ.

Click below for comments from Bryan Woods, Dennis Maloney, and John Nichols during the January 27, 2022 College Station city council meeting.


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