Bryan City Council Takes Next Step Towards A Westside Expansion Of Sewer Services

Image from the city of Bryan showing the service area of a new sewer lift station.

The Bryan city council takes the next step to expand sewer lines on the city’s west side.

Federal pandemic grant money will be used for the $100,000 dollar purchase of land to build a lift station to move waste in an area that is generally bordered between Highway 21 and Villa Maria and between Highways 47 and 2818.

Before approving the land purchase, the Bryan council had two lengthy discussions about using lift stations. That was in light of residents who are opposed to the city of College Station’s plan to build a sewer line through their south Bryan neighborhood that employs gravity to move waste.

Public works director Jayson Barfknecht said Bryan has 25 lift stations in operation. All are checked in person each day and are monitored off site.

Barfknecht also says public works is investigating the purchase of a trailer mounted generator than could be used if there is a power outage.

Click HERE to read and download background information about the land purchase for a new sewer lift station.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials shown during the February 7, 2023 Bryan city council meeting.

Click below to hear comments from the February 7, 2023 Bryan city council meeting.


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