Parents Of Bryan ISD Students Are Asked To Keep Their Children From Bringing Toy Guns To School

Images produced by Bryan ISD.
Images produced by Bryan ISD.

Parents of Bryan ISD students have been asked to not let their children bring toy weapons to school.

A newsletter sent by BISD’s superintendent last Friday is directed in particular to parents of elementary students.

Click HERE to read and download the September 29, 2023 Bryan ISD newsletter.

The message from Ginger Carrabine says there have been several recent incidents that students brought toy guns to school to show their friends.

Carrabine says this will result in disciplinary consequences.

But the message does not say if any students have been disciplined for violating BISD’s zero tolerance policy for bringing any type of weapon to school.

BISD’s code of conduct says a look-alike weapon is a prohibited item.

The code gives administrators a list of more than 20 disciplinary options. The list includes counseling, detention, parent conferences, suspension, and expulsion. The student code also gives BISD administrators flexibility how to give consequences. Administrators consider among other things, the student’s age and grade level, the student’s attitude, and the effect of the misconduct on the school environment.

Screen shot from the September 29, 2023 Bryan ISD newsletter.
Screen shot from the September 29, 2023 Bryan ISD newsletter.

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