New West Bryan RV Park Is Coming Following Divided City Council & Planning And Zoning Commission Votes

The Bryan city council approves a voluntary annexation which also brings in a new RV park near the Brazos County Expo Complex on Leonard Road.

The council’s five to two vote follows the planning and zoning commission endorsing the project by a five to four margin.

The annexation was combined with a zoning change for what developer Ricky Jenkins said was a $10 to $12 million dollar project that will have 375 spaces.


One of two councilmen who voted no, Mike Southerland, agreed with the P & Z minority that the better use of the land is to build homes.


Three of the five councilmen who voted for the voluntary annexation said they wanted the developer to access city utilities instead of the RV park having private water and wastewater if the land would have remained in the county.

There was no indication when construction would start.

Voting for the annexation and zoning change were Andrew Nelson, Greg Owens, Buppy Simank, Prentiss Madison, and Brent Hairston.

Joining Southerland in voting no was Reuben Marin.

Click HERE to read and download background information from the city of Bryan.

Click HERE to read and download the presentation from developer Ricky Jenkins.

Image provided to the city of Bryan by developer Ricky Jenkins.

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