Delays At Two CSISD Construction Sites

Construction is behind schedule at the sites of two new College Station school district campuses.

While the overall schedule is being met at the site of CSISD’s tenth elementary school at Rock Prairie and Holleman, facilities director Jon Hall says there is a delay in starting construction of a sewer line.

Hall says construction at the new Wellborn middle school is about halfway competed.

On both of the new campuses, Hall pointed out there will be longer on-campus traffic lanes for student drop off and pickup to keep stopped vehicles off of streets.

The new campuses were part of an update Hall gave the CSISD school board on the progress of the 2015 bond issue.

more than $5 million dollars of deferred maintenance at six campuses starts next summer. The largest, at South Knoll elementary, will take two summers to complete.

Next spring, the board will be considering bids on more than $3.6 million dollars in renovation projects at the two existing middle schools.

Click HERE to read and download the CSISD 2015 bond issue update presented to the school board on October 17, 2017.

Click below for comments from Jon Hall to the CSISD school board.


Aerial photo of Wellborn Middle School construction is from the CSISD 2015 bond update presentation on October 17, 2017.

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