College Station School Board Sells And Buys Land

The College Station school board has sold one parcel of land for future school construction in order to buy another in what is considered a better location.

Because the board wanted both transactions to take place next month, they turned down what could be a higher offer for 24 acres being sold at the southeast corner of Holleman and Deacon.

Michael Wesson made the motion to take a $3.3 million dollar offer from Bryan based DWS Development. That’s after the owner of The Barracks development…located adjacent to the school district property…offered $4.1 million. But closing would not take place until next March, following another appraisal that could have changed the price.


Board president Valerie Jochen was the first to speak about the importance of closing the sale in July at the same time the district was purchasing a different parcel.


Click HERE to read and download the land sale memo.

Click HERE to read and download the land sale resolution.

Only four members of the board voted to approve the land sale. Jeff Harris abstained from Tuesday’s vote, Tuesday’s discussion prior to the vote, and he was not present for last week’s executive session when the bids were evaluated. Harris, who is a lawyer, told WTAW News he did not participate because attorneys from his firm have represented one or more of the parties involved as potential purchasers on other matters.

Harris did join the rest of the members who attended the special meeting in approving the purchase of 19 acres to the south at the northwest corner of Holleman and Rock Prairie at a price of $3 million dollars. The purchase price includes building a sewer lift station by October of next year.

Absent from Tuesday’s special meeting were Carol Barrett and Quinn Williams.

Click HERE to read and download the land purchase memo.

Click HERE to read and download the land purchase resolution.

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