College Station City Council Decides To Leave Wellborn District Boundaries Alone

Screen shot from a city of College Station document.
Screen shot from a city of College Station document.

The city of College Station has held six meetings and has a website dedicated to the future development of the Wellborn community.

After a 60 minute discussion at Monday night’s city council meeting, a majority decided not to expand Wellborn’s boundaries as presented by staff.

The boundaries were established in 2013, two years after an annexation that was opposed by Wellborn residents.

The consensus opinion was not unanimous. Councilman William Wright wanted the Creek Meadows development, where he lives, added to the district.

The council majority sided with residents of the core area. Spokesman Jeff Lehde said there were 300 residents when the boundaries were established. That has grown over the last ten years to 500. And Lehde said residents in the original area did not 2,500 people from surrounding subdivisions joining what is considered to be a more rural looking area.

Mayor John Nichols told those living in Wellborn’s core area that they will ask the Texas department of transportation (TxDOT) to host another meeting about plans to widen Wellborn Road with a center median and sidewalks.

While residents in the core area are opposed to the median and sidewalks, Nichols says other area residents support the improvements.

And the mayor said he does not want to experience what is happening in Bryan, where the council is asking TxDOT to remove sections of center medians that were recently built along Texas Avenue.

Click HERE to read and download background information from the city of College Station.

Click below to hear comments from the May 15, 2023 College Station city council meeting.


Original image from the city of College Station, modified by WTAW News to show in red the original and continuing boundaries of the Wellborn community plan area.
Original image from the city of College Station, modified by WTAW News to show in red the original and continuing boundaries of the Wellborn community plan area.

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