With about one week to go in the Texas legislature’s third special session, a stalemate continues over additional funding of pre-kindergarten through 12th grade schools.
No date has been set in the Texas House for a committee to consider the senate’s private school voucher bill…SB 1…that meets the governor’s special session call.
And no date has been set for a House bill…HB 1…that considers money for private and public schools. Additional funding for public schools is not part of the governor’s call for the third special session.
November 7 is the last day of the third special session. The governor has said if he doesn’t get state funding for private schools, he will call a fourth special session.
The governor’s decisions were addressed during this week’s Bryan ISD school board meeting by a more than 30 year member of the board, David Stasny. He said “there is a lot of obvious hypocrisy going on about the whole voucher thing.”
Stasny also said “what is even to me more outrageous is the governor basically saying you’re not gonna get what we all know public schools need unless I get my way on something else. And that’s unbelievably outrageous.”
Before Stasny’s comments, Bryan ISD assistant superintendent Kevin Beesaw presented an update from the third special session, its impact on Bryan ISD, and prior financial decisions taken by the BISD board.
Beesaw and superintendent Ginger Carrabine also had comments about the state’s review of BISD’s business operations, where the district in August received a 100 score based on data from the 2021-2022 school year.
Click below to hear comments from David Stasny, Kevin Beesaw, and Ginger Carrabine during the October 23, 2023 BISD board meeting.