Bryan Council Approves The City’s 48th Neighborhood Conservation District

With no discussion, the Bryan city council approves increased zoning protections for another residential neighborhood.

The minimum 58 percent of 133 homeowners living in the neighborhood bordered by Barak, Oak Hill, Cambridge, and Manchester agreed to the neighborhood conservation overlay (NCO) district.

Five homeowners told the planning and zoning commission (P&Z) they wanted to accommodate the large percentage of elderly residents, they were concerned about student housing bringing on-streeet parking, crime, and noise, and they did not want an increase in rental housing.

One family in opposition told P&Z they purchased homes in that subdivision due to the lack of a homeowners association or deed restrictions and it denies their right to market their properties for rental use.

A unanimous P&Z which endorsed the NCO stated the commission is extremely concerned with protection of personal property rights.

This becomes the 48th neighborhood in Bryan to adopt regulations that among other things limits renting homes to no more than two unrelated occupants.

Click HERE to read and download background information.

Click HERE to read and download the city council presentation.

Image from the city of Bryan.

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