Bryan City Council Gets Its First Superpark Timeline

Thursday is the first of many deadlines over the next couple of years for converting the former Bryan municipal golf course into a superpark.

Deputy city manager Hugh Walker told the city council during a Tuesday workshop that staff will evaluate proposals from firms interested in doing the design.

Click HERE to read and download the superpark presentation given to the city council.

Walker says What will be included in the design is right now a blank slate. He told the council there are some general outdoor and indoor activities that prospective design firms will receive, but staff wants to see a variety of ideas.


No funding sources have been announced for designing and building the superpark.

The earliest the council would award a contract to a design firm is February 27.

The tentative schedule for March is to hold stakeholder meetings and start collecting public input.

Public input would continue through April and May.

In June and July, the tentative schedule calls for having possible models and designs.

The council could consider approving a master plan as early as August.

According to the presentation given to the council, here is the rest of the tentative timeline:

• September 2018: Design Development (engineering)
• October 2018: Issue a preliminary engineering report and complete design development drawings
• November/December 2018: final design development
• January 2019: reach 50% of the construction design
• February 2019: reach 90% of the construction design
• March 2019: Final Construction Design Approval
• April 2019: issue request for bids (RFB) for Phase I
• April/May/June 2019: collect and review RFB Phase I
• July 2019: City Council Considers Bid
• August 2019: Notice to Proceed to Contractor
• September 2019 through August 2020: Construction
• August/September 2020: Acceptance by the City/Park Open
• July – September 2020: Begin Phase II Construction, using a similar RFB process as Phase I

Until construction starts, Walker says the former golf course is open to the public as a park.


Image from the city of Bryan.

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