Bryan City Council Gets A Preview Of Proposed Changes To Ordinances Regulating Truck Traffic And Vehicles Hauling Hazardous Materials

Screen shot from a city of Bryan document.
Screen shot from a city of Bryan document.

The March regular meeting of the Bryan city council included receiving a staff preview of proposed changes to ordinances regulating truck traffic and where vehicles can transport hazardous materials.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials from the March 5, 2024 Bryan city council meeting.

City engineer Paul Kaspar said proposed changes includes deleting buses from being required to stay on truck routes, since that would apply to school buses and buses from the Brazos Transit District.

In response to councilmembers concerns about trucks on streets that are not designated truck routes, Kaspar reminded them that current city ordinance, which is not proposed to be changed, allows trucks to use the shortest route to get to their destination.

Another part of the ordinance that will not change, is the ban on parking trucks and semi’s on any city of Bryan public street.

A proposed addition is a list of more streets where trucks and semi’s cannot use, although there are some exceptions. The proposed addition includes mainly residential streets where many are narrow.

The council could take action on the proposed changes as soon as their April regular meeting.

Click below to hear comments from Paul Kaspar during the March 5, 2014 Bryan city council meeting.


Screen shot from a city of Bryan document.
Screen shot from a city of Bryan document.

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