Blinn Fall Enrollment Overall Numbers Are Down

This year’s budget at Blinn College was based on no change in enrollment.

But 452 fewer students are taking almost 108,000 fewer credit hours compared to a year ago.

A report given to Blinn’s board of trustees noted a larger number of first time, full time students…growth in Blinn’s TEAM and Engineering Academy programs…and more students in Blinn’s 12 week courses that began last Monday.

But the number of credit hours…which is how Blinn generates revenue…is down 80,000 in Bryan and 14,000 in Brenham compared to last fall.

WTAW News is waiting for Blinn’s answer to how much less money was made this fall compared to its budget.

Administrators did report there is plenty of time of overcome the revenue shortfall with eight and 12 week course registration, minimesters, and the spring semester.

This fall’s headcount in Bryan is down 383 from last fall to just under 12,000. In Brenham, there are 26 fewer students, at a little more than 2,300.

Click HERE to read and download the fall enrollment report presented to Blinn’s board of trustees.


Screen shot of Blinn College 2017 fall enrollment by headcount.


Screen shot of 2017 Blinn College fall enrollment by contact hours.

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