Bryan City Council Approves Three Requests Affecting The Fire Department’s EMS Service

Image from the Bryan fire department's Twitter page.
Image from the Bryan fire department's Twitter page.

Three requests from the Bryan fire department’s EMS service were approved during the Bryan city council’s June 18th meeting.

It is now illegal to call for a Bryan fire department ambulance for what turns out to be a false emergency. The city council without discussion unanimously approved an ordinance making a fake request a misdemeanor crime. The ordinance says this is the result of nursing homes and similar residential facilities, which are tying up EMS units on non-emergency medical transports and unnecessary lift assists.

Click HERE to read and download the ordinance covering fake requests for a city of Bryan ambulance that was approved at the June 18, 2024 Bryan city council meeting.

The council also unanimously approved without discussion an increase in some ambulance fees.

Click HERE to read and download background information about ambulance fee increases that was approved at the June 18, 2024 Bryan city council meeting.

The council did discuss before unanimously approving the purchase of four new ambulances. They are replacing units which have between 100,000 and 160,000 miles.

Click HERE to read and download background information about the purchase of four ambulances that was approved at the June 18, 2024 Bryan city council meeting.

Click below to hear comments from the June 18, 2024 Bryan city council meeting.


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