What’s Happening At The Brazos Community Emergency Operations Center

Coronavirus has resulted in opening the Brazos Community Emergency Operations Center.

The CEOC is a group of more than 40 elected and appointed officials from all the cities in Brazos County, the county, and Texas A&M that plans and executes future responses to coronavirus.

Brazos County sheriff’s chief deputy Jim Stewart visited with reporters about the CEOC’s function, the general tenor of recent twice a day conversations, and the use of mock exercises.

Stewart, who is coordinating the Brazos County’s response for the county judge, says the CEOC could remain open through June.

Stewart describes what he calls the war on coronavirus is similar to sacrifices Americans made during World War Two to gain a victory.

Click below for comments from Jim Stewart, visiting with reporters outside the Brazos CEOC April 3, 2020:

Listen to “What’s happening at the Brazos Community Emergency Operations Center, or CEOC” on Spreaker.

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