West TX Prison Riot Ends Peacefully

PECOS, Texas (AP) _ A law enforcement official says all prisoners at a remote West Texas prison where inmates started rioting Saturday have now returned to secured housing facilities.

Reeves County Chief Deputy Victor Prieto says that the last remaining prisoners entered secured housing Thursday night.

He says, “It’s over. It’s done. Everyone went in.”

Inmates at the jail started rioting Saturday afternoon in protest of conditions, including medical care and food quality, according to authorities and a South Texas lawyer who said he represents at least 50 inmates.

Aerial photos taken earlier today showed prisoners milling around in outside yards as smoke billowed nearby.

Some of the buildings are still smoldering tonight at the Reeves County Detention Center and heavy damage could be seen.

An after hours call seeking comment from The GEO Group, which manages the prison, was not immediately returned today.

Employees working inside the prison’s administration building told an AP reporter that they could not comment.

In the midst of today’s apparent chaos at the prison, the American Civil Liberties Union has called for a federal probe of the compound.

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