Volunteers Needed for 29th Thanksgiving in the Brazos

Photos of 2010 Thanksgiving in the Brazos from Epicures Catering Facebook page.

Volunteers are needed for the 29th Thanksgiving in the Brazos event.

Brooke Wyatt at Epicures Catering says 1,200 meals will be delivered on Thursday. She says 100 drivers are being recruited to deliver to Meals on Wheels recipients, low-income families referred by school counselors, and others.

Deliveries begin Thursday morning at 9. Volunteers are also needed to package the meals beginning at 7 a.m. and kitchen clean up starting at noon.

Food donations can be taken to the Brazos Valley Food Bank, marked for Thanksgiving in the Brazos.

Monetary donations can be made at any branch of The Bank and Trust.

Call Epicures at 979-695-0985 for more information.

WTAW’s Bill Oliver visits with Brooke Wyatt.

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