UPDATE: Response to Texas A&M’s President Statement About “False” And “Irresponsible” Reporting About The Qatar Campus

Screen shots of a document from the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism & Policy.
Screen shots of a document from the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism & Policy.

One organization that published information about Texas A&M’s Qatar campus that A&M’s president described as “false” and “irresponsible” has issued a response.

An e-mail received by WTAW News from the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) says its “comprehensive report details the confidential business-academic agreement granting the Qatar Regime unprecedented control over (Texas A&M’s) academic research, standards, faculty, students, access to personal information of staff and students, curriculum, and budgets”.

The e-mail also stated “At the same time, it is important to note that President Welsh did not dispute Qatar’s ownership of over 500 research projects, including their Intellectual Property and student information”, which ISGAP believes “is a critical point that requires further examination.”

On his website, Welsh says that “Contrary to what these articles have implied, no nuclear technology, weapons/defense or national security research is conducted at this campus. Nor does the Qatar campus have any connection to nuclear reactor research done in Texas or the Los Alamos National Lab”, which is operated in part by A&M.

Original story, January 7, 2024:

Texas A&M’s president says “The insinuation that we are somehow leaking or compromising national security research data to anyone is both false and irresponsible.”

That is part of Mark Welsh’s response to recent stories and social media posts about Texas A&M’s branch campus in Qatar.

On his website, Welsh says that “Contrary to what these articles have implied, no nuclear technology, weapons/defense or national security research is conducted at this campus. Nor does the Qatar campus have any connection to nuclear reactor research done in Texas or the Los Alamos National Lab”, which is operated in part by A&M.

Screen shot from https://president.tamu.edu/messages/correcting-misinformation-about-our-university.html
Screen shot from https://president.tamu.edu/messages/correcting-misinformation-about-our-university.html
Screen shots from an e-mail sent to WTAW News by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) on January 9, 2024.
Screen shots from an e-mail sent to WTAW News by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) on January 9, 2024.

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