Update on 2 Searches at A&M

There are new developments in the searches for two top positions at Texas A&M University.

One involves the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Members of the search committee announced Wednesday they will be narrowing the applicant pool next month. The committee also invited more nominations by sending an e-mail to provostsearch (at) tamu (dot) edu. The goal is to submit finalists to the President early in the spring semester.

And the President recently announced the names of the search committee that will consider candidates for A&M’s next Vice President of Administration. University spokeswoman Sherylon Carroll says there are no changes in job duties. The target appointment date according to the job description is January first.

Click HERE to be taken to A&M’s webpage describing the Provost’s job description.

Click HERE to be taken to A&M’s webpage describing the VP-Administration job description.

Click below to hear comments from Sherylon Carroll, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.


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