Union Pacific Train In College Station Leaks A Non-Hazardous Chemical

Images from the Union Pacific and city of College Station Twitter accounts.
Images from the Union Pacific and city of College Station Twitter accounts.

Vehicular traffic on the Texas A&M campus on Friday was blocked from crossing railroad tracks along Wellborn Road Friday for a brief period.

The city of College Station issued a statement that a Union Pacific train temporarily blocked intersections along Wellborn between George Bush Drive and F&B Road.

One of the 200 car train leaked what the city statement described as a non-hazardous chemical.

The city statement says the unidentified chemical was water based, eco-friendly, and not hazardous.

The city statement said the train was entering Bryan when operators noticed the leak, and U-P transported the train car for inspection.

A Union Pacific spokeswoman tells WTAW News that the train car is being routed to a nearby rail yard for further inspection.

Statement from the city of College Station:

A non-hazardous chemical leak from a northbound Union Pacific train passing through College Station on Friday posed no threat to the community, College Station Emergency Management Coordinator Tradd Mills said.

The 200-car train was entering Bryan when operators noticed the leak. Crews quickly determined the water-based solution was eco-friendly and not hazardous, but the train temporarily blocked intersections from George Bush Drive to F&B Road.

Union Pacific is transporting the train car for inspection.

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