TxDOT To Check Out CS Resident’s Traffic Concern

A College Station intersection considered dangerous by at least one local resident is getting another look by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

Floyd Daughters asked the College Station city council this month to block motorists exiting the freeway southbound at Barron Road from making right turns on Graham. That’s after Daughters went back to the area to look for the suspect’s car. During a 20 minute period during the afternoon commute he saw 50 cars that exited and turned right on Graham. 20 other drivers honked their horns and he witnessed three near collisions.

Click below for comments from Floyd Daughters:


WTAW News sent Daughters comments to the TxDOT district office in Bryan this week. Spokesman Bobby Colwell says they appreciated the information, and they will review traffic in that area and discuss the need for any improvements.

Looking south on the Highway 6 frontage road approaching Graham Road, August 25 2016.
Looking south on the Highway 6 frontage road approaching Graham Road, August 25 2016.

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