More than four years after being arrested, a College Station man is going to prison for what is his sixth drunk driving conviction. The Brazos County district attorney’s office reported 55 year old Timothy McCulloch pleaded guilty even though prosecutors could not use results of a blood test that was done without his permission as evidence due to a change in state law requiring a search warrant. Prosecutors used other evidence, including McCulloch admitting drinking four beers before being stopped by a trooper for driving 20 miles UNDER the speed limit on the freeway near William D. Fitch in September 2012. McCulloch was sentenced to eight years.
In another D-W-I case, failing to show up for drug testing means a ten year prison sentence. According to online records, 46 year old George Ybarra of Bryan, who pleaded guilty to his third D-W-I in July of 2012, was charged a year and a half later with violating probation. Court action was not taken for another two and a half years, until this past July. The sentence was executed last week after it was determined Ybarra had missed drug testing last month.