Tuesday is primary runoff day throughout Texas.
Brazos County Clerk Karen McQueen says 1,688 Republicans and 304 Democrats took advantage of early voting last week.
You did not have to vote in the primary to vote in the runoff.
Locally, there are two runoffs, both for justice of the peace nominees. One is for Republicans living in precinct two and the other is for Democrats living in precinct four.
Brazos County results will be posted online at wtaw.com once numbers are tabulated at the Brazos Center.
There are four statewide G-O-P runoffs, for lieutenant governor, attorney general, ag commissioner, and railroad commissioner.
Democrats have two statewide runoffs, for ag commissioner and who will oppose John Cornyn in the U.S. Senate campaign.
Click HERE to see runoff voting locations in Brazos County.
Click HERE for the Brazos County Democratic party runoff ballot.
Click HERE for the Brazos County Republican party runoff ballot.