Texas Science Labs Cut in Budget Crunch

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott is asking lawmakers to spare state funding for pre-kindergarten programs.

However, he suggests eliminating funding approved last year for new science labs. Textbook funding also would take a major hit in the Texas Education Agency’s budget request for the next two-year state budget.

State leaders have asked agencies to cut their requests by 10 percent to help lawmakers grapple with a budget hole that could be close to $18 billion.

For the TEA, that means proposed cuts of more than $260 million. In presenting the agency’s budget request to a legislative panel Tuesday, Scott pledged “the full cooperation of the agency to work through” the budget crisis.

Critics complain that the proposed cuts would eliminate too much from teacher professional development opportunities while leaving the merit pay plan untouched.

(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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