Texas A&M Police Investigate E-Mail Bomb Threat

News release from Texas A&M police:

This afternoon, an email was received by several Texas A&M University offices that contained a bomb threat.

The threat did not provide a specific time nor was it specific about location.

The threat is gauged to be of low credibility.

Law enforcement is investigating to identify the point of origin and sender of the email.

In response, the University Police called in off-duty officers to conduct a campus-wide screening of building exteriors, common areas, gathering spaces, etc.

Special effort was focused on student residences, dining halls and student gathering areas. No devices were found. No suspicious activities were identified.

Texas A&M will remain open.

Precautions will continue to be taken by authorities and we ask the University Community to remain vigilant tomorrow and every day.

Report suspicious behaviors, packages or other objects to University Police at 979-845-2345.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep the campus apprised of important changes. Remember, if you see something, say something.

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