Texas House Moves Forward with New Rules

AUSTIN (AP) _ The newly harmonious Texas House is trying to avoid the nastiness that roiled the chamber two years ago.

The chamber is debating new operating rules, including a provision to institute guidelines over the parliamentary process for overthrowing the speaker.

Then-Speaker Tom Craddick refused in 2007 to recognize a lawmaker to make the motion to “vacate the chair,” or overthrow Craddick. Chaos ensued.

But the new rules proposal, which was expected to be approved later Wednesday, would allow a majority of House members to appeal a speaker’s refusal to recognize such a motion with a written motion.

“The appeal is to be considered as a special order 24 hours after the written motion is submitted,” the proposal states.

By refusing to acknowledge the motion, Craddick maintained his power.

His term expired earlier this month and he took his name out of the race when it became clear that he did not have the support to win another term.

The chamber is expected to consider and adopt rules later this week.

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