The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) district office in Bryan announces open houses for upcoming projects on Wellborn Road and the intersection of Highways 21 and 47 by the RELLIS campus.
Thursday, November 14, is the open house associated with rebuilding the interchange at Highways 21 and 47. The gathering is at the RELLIS campus center for infrastructure renewal from 4:30 until 6:30. In addition to a new interchange, the project includes frontage roads.
Click HERE to read and download a TxDOT news release about the Highway 21/47 interchange project.
Thursday, November 21, is the open house associated with widening of Wellborn Road between Fitch and Greens Prairie Road. TxDOT is currently planning a four lane highway with a median and dedicated left turn lanes at selected intersections. The project also includes traffic signals at Wellborn and McCullough Road, curbs and gutters, and a shared use path on the east side of the roadway. This gathering will take place at Wellborn Middle School between 5 and 7:30.
Click HERE to read and download the TxDOT notice about the Wellborn Road project.
And public comments are still being accepted about the proposed east loop around Bryan and College Station. The deadline is Friday, November 22.