The company planning to build high speed passenger train service between Houston and Dallas has announced how much property has been acquired.
Texas Central Partners (TCP) reports it has reached option agreements on about 30 percent of the parcels estimated to be needed for the bullet train.
TCP officials also say negotiations have resulted in option agreements in all 10 counties, including 50 percent of the parcels for the proposed route in Waller and Grimes counties.
TCP did not reveal if property has been acquired for a station serving Bryan/College Station and Huntsville that’s proposed in the Roans Prairie area near Highways 30 and 90.
TCP also announced withdrawing requests for court-ordered survey access to focus on continuing dialogue with landowners and stakeholders and to advance environmental work
TCP also stated more than 3,000 families and businesses have signed letters giving surveyors access as part of the environmental assessment. A substantial portion of the initial survey work has been completed and is continuing where needed.
And in what TCP says are a few cases in which they sought a court decision to allow survey access, conversations with landowners later resulted in a favorable resolution reached out of court in a majority of these instances.
Following the TCP announcement, the opponents group Texans Against High Speed Rail (TAHSPR) pointed out TCP referred to the number of parcels, not the percentage of land that has been acquired for the more than $10 billion dollar project.
TAHSPR repeated eight counties have passed regulations requiring TCP to have proof of eminent domain to obtain construction permits to cross county roads.
Responding to TCP’s decision to withdraw requests for court-ordered survey access, Grimes County Judge Ben Lehman, who chairs TAHSPR, stated “The decision (by TCP) to withdraw these court cases is a clear indicator that Texas Central understands they will not get a ruling in one of these cases designating them as a railroad with eminent domain authority. This, in conjunction with the permit requirement from county governments, forces them to go to the state legislature for a legislative fix. We will see them at the Capitol.”