Texas A&M President Receives A Board Of Regents Complement For The Implementation Of Her Reorganization Plan

Image from the Texas A&M system.
Image from the Texas A&M system.

The final day of the quarterly session of meetings by the Texas A&M system board of regents included a complement to A&M president Katherine Banks for the implementation of her reorganization plan that she titled “The Path Forward”.

Regent Randy Brooks of San Angelo told Banks during a November 11 workshop “I think you are to be commended for this effort, in one year to do what you did. And I think it’s amazing.”

Dr. Banks said credit is shared with 500 people who participated in more than 40 working groups. She told the board “you think about the person hours in terms of dollars spent by those individuals donating their time.” She said the reports she received “were quite impressive and (contained) many things I had never thought about.”

Banks said there was “interesting feedback” from those on campus, “but certainly nothing that was overwhelmingly negative.”

Click below for comments from Katherine Banks and Randy Brooks during the November 11, 2022 workshop meeting of the Texas A&M system board of regents:


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