Texas A&M Employees And Students Invited To Provide Feedback On Two Presidential Study Committee Draft Reports

Screen shots from Texas A&M documents.
Screen shots from Texas A&M documents.

Texas A&M students and employees still have time to provide feedback to the preliminary findings of two studies done by committees appointed by the president.

There is a September 17th deadline for feedback on a 72 page capacity study. Draft recommendations includes pausing undergraduate growth on the main campus for the next five years and allow modest growth in graduate and online enrollment.

Click HERE to read and download the draft report on Texas A&M’s capacity study.

Students and employees have until September 10th to respond to recommendations to improve student experiences. The 44 page report is broken down into four sections…the impact of enrollment growth in serving students, the changing needs of new A&M students, providing a high quality academic experience, and addressing what the report calls the “nickel and diming” of students.

Click HERE to read and download the draft report on Texas A&M’s student experience study.

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