Texas A&M system chancellor John Sharp reacts to A&M president Michael Young’s remarks to the faculty senate about the board of regents not giving merit pay raises.
Sharp sent a letter to Young, telling the president “As you know, your statements are false and misleading.”
Sharp said Young was the only president of the 11 in the A&M system to make the mistake of telling faculty members they were getting immediate merit raises before the regents decided to put that money in reserves.
Sharp wrote the board’s decision… quoting the letter…”was not based on politics or anything other than a concern about the uncertain economic outlook and the possibility that future tuition and housing refunds to students might be necessary if there is a further outbreak of COVID-19.”
Then Sharp told Young “you compound your error by shifting the blame to the Board. That is inexcusable.”
Sharp finished the letter by telling Young “Your actions are disappointing.”
Young replied with a letter containing multiple apologies. Young apologized for any role he played that might have put Sharp or the regents “in a bad light or otherwise created misunderstanding with the Board’s role in the budget process.”
Young stated he took “sole responsibility” and he “made a very bad choice in words and sincerely regret doing so”.
Click HERE to read and download the letter John Sharp sent to Michael Young.
Click HERE to read and download the letter Michael Young sent to John Sharp.