Summary Of Five People Going To Prison

The Brazos County district attorney’s office has waived prosecution of a Bryan man in a murder case from three years ago. According to online court records, 22 year old Jaquar Johnson admitted to robbing the man who died, Detorrian Peterson, and a second person in Peterson’s Bryan home. Johnson was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the pair of armed robberies.

A Bryan man’s 24th time to be booked in the Brazos County jail, is to start serving a two year sentence after pleading guilty to his part in gang activity. 38 year old Charmel Robertson was among 14 men arrested about two years ago as part of an undercover investigation by Bryan police and DPS. Robertson admitted to selling cocaine near the Carver early childhood center.

A Bryan man who admitted to three criminal incidents had five other cases dismissed. 34 year old Terry Carlisle, Jr. was sentenced to a total of ten years for firing a gun near a woman with whom he had a disagreement and driving away from two traffic stops involving Texas A&M police…eluding officers the first time and being caught the second time. Three of the five cases that were dismissed involved drug charges, along with resisting arrest and driving with an invalid license.

A Somerville man this month admitted to a burglary of a College Station home that took place five years ago. 34 year old Robert Farr, who was sentenced to two years in prison, had a charge of attempted robbery dismissed. An accomplice in the robbery, Robert Reese, was the victim in the burglary.

A Bryan woman convicted of illegally using an elderly woman’s credit card twice to make charges totaling 149 dollars is starting a two year jail sentence. That’s after 32 year old Megan Hitchcock admitted to violating five conditions of her supervision agreement, including using illegal drugs and failing to perform community service.

Photos (L-R) of Jaquar Johnson, Charmel Robertson, Terry Carlisle Jr., Robert Farr, and Megan Hitchcock from

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