State Agencies Submit Budget Cuts

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ Texas leaders will review 5 percent budget cutting proposals offered by agencies as the state faces a potential 2011 shortfall of up to $16 billion.

Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and House Speaker Joe Straus set a Feb. 15 deadline for agencies to offer plans to trim their budgets, although Monday was federal holiday.

The Texas Education Agency is proposing $135.5 million in cuts, including science lab grants and funding for steroid testing. TEA also proposed eliminating the $1 million it would cost to continue steroid testing for student-athletes competing in University Interscholastic League events.

An exemption is sought by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to allow the prison system’s budget cuts to total $50.4 million. Corrections authorities say no exemption would mean the Texas prison system would have to trim about $294 million in spending.

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