Rudder High School Principal is Leaving

Photo of Hugh Piatt courtesy of the Bryan school district.
Photo of Hugh Piatt courtesy of the Bryan school district.

News release from the Bryan school district:

The principal who oversaw the opening of Bryan ISD’s Rudder High School has announced he plans to resign next month and accept a position closer to his family and roots in Oklahoma. Hugh Piatt, who lead Rudder’s first freshman class in 2007 (housed at Bryan High), successfully opened the new school’s facilities to students in the Fall of 2008 and has served with dedication and student-centered passion ever since.

“I have loved every minute of my time with students in Bryan ISD,” Piatt said. “Rudder and its students and faculty will always own a large part of my heart, and I look forward to watching this school and our school district continue to enjoy success and achieve great things. From winning and competing in state championships, to the amazing productions in fine arts and earning academic distinctions, Rudder, and Bryan ISD overall, are on the rise. It was an honor to be a part of that.”

Piatt, whose family roots are in Oklahoma, announced he will accept a principal’s position in Pampa, Texas, with the possibility of expanding his area of responsibility in the district’s near future. The move to the north Texas panhandle town cuts down considerably on his long commutes home to see family.

“I look forward to expanding my experience and service in this new position, and I thank Bryan ISD for preparing me well for an exciting future ahead,” Piatt said.

He announced he will step down in mid-April. Upon on his departure, Executive Director of Human Resources and Administration Crystal Goodman will serve in an interim role as Rudder’s principal.

“Hugh Piatt is a man of integrity, decency and heart,” said Superintendent Tommy Wallis. “He has served his students well and built relationships with them and his staff that have served both them, and Rudder as a whole, very well. We will miss him, and we wish him the best in his career ahead.”

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