Rezoning Needed To Replace A Bryan Convenience Store Next To Midtown Park

Image from the city of Bryan of the proposed convenience store at the southeast corner of Villa Maria and South College.
Image from the city of Bryan of the proposed convenience store at the southeast corner of Villa Maria and South College.

Plans to replace a Bryan convenience store with a new building first required approval to change zoning.

And the Bryan city council unanimously approved the planning and zoning commission (P&Z) recommendation to switch from the midtown district zone which was approved in August 2021 to a planned development district at the southeast corner of Villa Maria and South College.

Comments from councilmembers who previously served on P&Z noted the non-conforming use is not meant to be taken as setting zoning precedent.

The rezoning, which was unanimously supported by P&Z, allows gas pumps to return to what will be a new convenience store.

There is also a requirement that landscaping be maintained.

Click HERE to read and download background information about the rezoning that was approved at the March 14, 2023 Bryan city council meeting.

Click below to hear comments from the March 14, 2023 Bryan city council meeting.


Image from the city of Bryan of the current convenience store at the southeast corner of Villa Maria and South College.
Image from the city of Bryan of the current convenience store at the southeast corner of Villa Maria and South College.

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