Record Enrollment Continues at Blinn

For the first time, spring enrollment at Blinn College’s Bryan campus has topped 12 thousand.

There are 649 more students this year compared to last spring at 12,112. That’s an increase of nearly six percent.

Enrollment at Blinn’s home campus in Brenham, at 2,230, is one more over last spring.

By percentage, the largest increase is in students taking online classes at 18 percent. That number grew by 212 students to 1,372.

The number of contact hours, the number used to determine state funding, rose by nearly four percent.

The spring numbers will go up some, as Blinn continues to accept registrations for eight week and 12 week courses.

Table of Spring 2015 enrollment data courtesy of Blinn College.
Table of Spring 2015 enrollment data courtesy of Blinn College.

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