If there is to be a historical district west of downtown Bryan, it will be decided by property owners.
A proposal endorsed by the landmarks and planning and zoning commissions did not receive the six city council votes required for passage.
Four members of the council approved an amended motion which removed the application fee and reduced the amount of time for the landmarks commission to consider applications.
Greg Owens was one of two voting no, saying this should not be decided by city staff.
Comments from Greg Owens.
Ann Horton, who was among the four voting yes, called on 60 percent of the property owners to petition the city to create a residential conservation district.
Comments from Ann Horton.
The council’s vote followed 40 minutes of public comments. Sharon Anderson, who was among 13 opponents, noted homeowners would have to spend time getting approval to make improvements.
Comments from Sharon Anderson.
Another opponent, Coronado Pena, said it would cause homeowners to move away.
Comments from Coronado Pena.
Voting yes in addition to Horton were Art Hughes, Chuck Konderla, and Mayor Jason Bienski.
Richard Cortez joined Owens in voting no. Paul Madison was absent due to his recovery from recent eye surgery.
Click HERE to read the background information presented at the city council meeting.