The Texas A&M system could be acquiring a 12th university.
Senate Bill 2361 calls for the transfer of the University of Houston at Victoria to the A&M system.
Click HERE to read and download Senate Bill 2361 as filed on March 12, 2025.
The legislation was filed by Paul Bettencourt of Houston and Lois Kolkhorst of Brenham. As of March 20, neither has responded to WTAW News requests to explain the reason for the possible transfer. There has also been no response by the University of Houston system office.
A statement issued to WTAW News by A&M system chancellor John Sharp did not address the reason for the proposed transfer. Sharp said ““We are committed to working with state leaders to ensure excellence in higher education in each region of the state” and “We will be extremely happy to welcome the Victoria campus into The Texas A&M University System, if that is what Gov. Abbott and members of the Legislature decide.”
Two days before the bill was filed, the A&M system board of regents held a special meeting where the agenda included discussing behind closed doors, legal issues regarding potential legislation that was not identified. And last month, the agenda for a regular meeting of the University of Houston system regents included an undefined discussion, also in executive session, about the Victoria campus.
If passed, the two systems are required to enter a memorandum of understanding by June 1, 2025 with details on completing the transfer by September 1, 2025.
As of March 20, SB 2361 has not been assigned to a Senate committee.