UPDATE: Problems With Local Suddenlink Service Resolved

Suddenlink customers in Bryan/College Station had intermittent interruptions Tuesday afternoon.

A Suddenlink spokesman said alarms were received at 3 p.m. indicating there was a hardware issue at their central technical facility. 

Repairs were completed at 7 p.m.

At the same time, WTAW listeners also reported problems with Verizon cell phone and landlines. A Verizon spokesman said they were not able to locate any issues.

Original story:

If you are experiencing problems with your telephone and Internet service, here is a partial explanation.

At Suddenlink, alarms were received at 3 p.m. indicating a hardware issue at their central technical facility, which is causing intermittent service issues. Repairs are underway.

Verizon has also been contacted due to listeners reporting problems with landlines and cell phones. A Verizon spokesman is tracking down the source of issues we have been told from listeners regarding landlines and cell phones.

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