Podcasts from WTAW.COM
You can listen to podcasts one at a time or you can subscribe to the entire podcast series using software on your computer. When you subscribe to a podcast, all new shows will be automatically downloaded to your computer as they are published.
And if you have a portable media player (like an iPod), the next time you sync your device, your podcasts will be downloaded for listening on the go.
Audio Podcasts |
Infomaniacs and Interviews (Full) | Subscribe | Download | iTunes |
Infomaniacs (Segments) | Subscribe | Download | iTunes |
Subscribe to Podcasts
To subscribe to a podcast from WTAW.com:
1) Click the “Subscribe” link – your browser should open a small window. This is to create the RSS feed as a bookmark in your browser (similar process of bookmarking any website). You’ll be able to access the latest podcasts each time a new episode is ready.
2) Right-click the “Subscribe” link – then select the option to “Copy Link”; Open iTunes or other podcasting software. For iTunes, click “Advanced” at the top of your screen, then select “Subscribe to podcast.” A small winow will open which will ask you for the location of the podcast — just paste the link here and click “OK.” Now, each time you open iTunes, it will automatcially update with the latest episode.
3) Click the “iTunes” link – you will be taken directly to WTAW podcast’s homepage in the iTunes Store. You will see a button labeled “SUBSCRIBE” – just click that button and iTunes will add it to your podcast subscriptions.
Download Podcasts
You can download a podcast direct to your desktop, and then import it into your portable media player.
Right-click the “Download” link next to one of our podcasts – your browser should open a small window. Select the “Save target as …” or “Save link as …” option, then save that file to your computer. Now you may import that podcast file to your own portable media device.
After you download the podcast, you also have the option of listening to it straight from your computer. It will play in the default media player for those filetypes.