Personal Care Homes on Tuesday’s Bryan Council Agenda

Tuesday’s Bryan City Council meeting includes a public hearing and first round consideration officially allowing personal care homes that don’t require state licenses in residential neighborhoods.

Click HERE to read the background information given to the Bryan City Council.

The proposal received a unaminous recommendation last month by the Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission. Member Scott Hickle made the motion that would allow up to two residents in a home located in a conservation district and up to three in remaining neighborhoods.

Comments from Scott Hickle.

Former Mayor Lloyd Joyce says the city should require state licenses.

Comments from Lloyd Joyce.

Joyce also wants to limit the number of homes in a given neighborhood, something that was recommended by city staff but removed by the p-and-z commission in its recommendation.

More from Lloyd Joyce.

John Bond was part of that vote.

Comments from John Bond.

The recommendations follows one year of work by a city subcommittee.

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