The Gibbons Creek power plant in Grimes County is still owned by the Texas Municipal Power Association.
The TMPA board did not take action Thursday on a proposed sale because negotiations are not finalized.
That’s after city councils in Bryan and three other TMPA member cities gave the green light earlier this week.
TMPA General Manager Bob Kahn says there is no date for the association’s board to take action.
Kahn says until there is a sale, there won’t be an announcement on the buyer, what will be done with the property, and the fate of more than 100 TMPA employees working at the plant near Carlos.
The joint ownership of the coal-fired plant and transmission system in Grimes, Brazos, and Robertson counties also includes Denton, Garland, and Greenville.
The pending sale was discussed on Wednesday’s The Infomaniacs with Bryan mayor Jason Bienski, who said the plant was a good investment, and if it goes through, the sale will be a good thing for electric customers in Bryan.
Bienski also declined to identify the potential buyer and the future use of the property.