One Week to Pay Second Half Property Taxes

For about 14,000 Brazos County property tax payers, you have an extra day to make your second half payment.

Tax Assessor-Collector Kristy Roe says that’s because the normal deadline of June 30 falls on a Sunday.

While the deadline isn’t until July 1, now is the time to ask any questions.

Payments can be made anytime at the drop box outside the tax office in downtown Bryan, by mail as long as the postmark is July first or sooner, and online which adds a convenience fee.

Kristy Roe visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

News release courtesy of Brazos County Tax Assessor-Collector Kristy Roe:

For those taxpayers that took advantage of the “split payment” option on their 2012 property taxes, Monday July 1 is the deadline for their final payment. Brazos County taxing  jurisdictions offer the two part payment plan to their taxpayers allowing a payment of ½ of the property tax bill on or before November 30 of the year the taxes are billed, and the second half payment on or before June 30 of the following year. However, since the last day of June falls on Sunday this year, taxpayers will be given timely credit for their payment on the next regular business day.

When this type of adjustment occurs, penalty and interest for late payment normally beginning July 1, is extended to the next business day. That means tax payments must be either delivered to the tax office or postmarked by the US Postal Service by July 1. The extension of the deadline is for 2012 second half payments, but also provides an extension for those taxpayers making payments on previous year taxes. Interest on delinquent taxes accrues an additional 1% each month on the unpaid balance.

The Tax Office is preparing for long lines of taxpayers wanting to wait for the last possible opportunity to make their payment. Here are a few tips that will help taxpayers get their payments made with less stress and frustration.

(1) Bring your tax statements or a list of the properties you wish to pay with you. The clerks will be able to serve you faster and you will be sure of paying all of your accounts if you provide that information at the time of payment.

(2) If you are paying in person, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to get to the tax office, and plan for emergencies. The Texas Property Tax Code is very strict and no allowance is given to the tax office for acceptance of late payments without penalty and interest. There is a payment drop slot along William J. Bryan Pkwy. Money order, cashier checks or personal check payments can be placed in an envelope with account information and dropped after hours or at any time. Clerks will be available with envelopes on Monday July 1st, for those who don’t wish to stand in line.

(3) Taxpayers mailing payments on the Monday deadline are urged to take the payment inside their local Post Office and have it cancelled by a postal worker on that date. Many times payments that are dropped in the mail boxes outside of the post office or after post office business hours are postmarked with the next day’s date. A payment received that is postmarked after July 1 is subject to late penalty and interest charges. An additional safeguard is to mail the payment by Certified Mail. That provides a date stamped receipt to the taxpayer as proof of the date the payment was mailed.

(4) Check out the payment options listed on the back of your original statement. The Brazos County Tax Office offers several payment options that may help take the stress out of making the deadline for payment. Internet payments with your credit card and E-check payments direct from your bank account can be made from the local website, Just look up your account, locate the bills and choose the desired payment icon. Taxpayers who do not wish to use a computer, but do want to pay with a credit card can call 1-800-2paytax. Taxpayers paying by telephone will need to reference the jurisdiction code 5313 for Brazos County tax payments. There is a convenience fee for using these services, and taxpayers using the internet or telephone to pay their taxes must finalize the transaction before midnight June 30.

(5) If a taxpayer is unsure of their balance, they should contact the tax office as soon as possible. The volume of calls for information is very heavy around payment deadlines, and it could be difficult for taxpayers to get their call through. Brazos County tax information is available on the tax office website, Property tax information can be accessed by name, property ID and address on this site.

For more information please contact the Brazos County Tax Office at 979-361-4470.

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