From the Texas American Legion:
On Sunday, July 16 at the 99th Annual Convention in Killeen, the Department of Texas American Legion elected local Legionnaire John Hince of Bryan Post 159 as the State Commander. Hince is a graduate of the Virginian Military Institute, an Army Vietnam War Veteran and retired educator and coach. He and his wife Army Col. (retired) Gerry Hince are the proud parents of two Aggie graduates Peter and Matthew Hince and have made Bryan their home for the last twelve years.
John and Gerry are both active members of Earl Graham Post 159 in Bryan where they are involved in veteran crisis assistance, troop boxes, and Boys State and Girls State programs. John is a member of the Post 159 Honor Guard which performs military funeral honors, flag raising ceremonies and memorial dedications throughout the Brazos Valley. Commander Hince will spend the year traveling throughout the state of Texas, advocating for veterans services and benefits and will culminate in the 100th Anniversary of the American Legion celebrated at the annual convention in San Antonio in 2018.
The Department of Texas American Legion represents 75,000 of 2 million veterans nation-wide. American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutual-help, war-time veterans’ organization and is the largest veteran organization in the world. Local posts provide community service and offer programs which align with the four pillars: Veteran’s Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, Children and Youth.