New Signals Coming to Harvey Mitchell & George Bush

Information courtesy of the Texas Department of Transportation:

On Thursday, September 27, 2012, beginning at 1 p.m., the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) contractor will turn on the newly installed signal at the intersection of FM 2818 (Harvey Mitchell Parkway) and FM 2347 (George Bush Drive). This intersection will employ a new type of left turn signal that incorporates the use of a FLASHING YELLOW ARROW (FYA) instead of the solid green ball for permissive left turns. FYA signals will contain a flashing yellow arrow as well as a steady green, yellow and red arrow.

Bob Colwell visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

These new displays are similar to standard traffic signals.

Picture of new traffic signal design courtesy of TxDOT.

A steady green arrow allows the driver to make a protected left turn.
A flashing yellow arrow allows the driver to turn left, but alerts the driver to yield to oncoming traffic.

A steady yellow arrow alerts the driver that the signal is about to turn red and they should prepare to stop or safely complete the turn.

A steady red arrow requires the driver to stop.

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