Museum of the American GI President Brent Mullins on WTAW

Many museums have static displays that allow people to stand quietly and imagine what life would have been like in a different time.

Brent Mullins, President of the Museum of the American GI, said there’s an opportunity to actually see, feel and hear the machines and equipment used during the Battle of the Bulge, at the museum on Saturday, March 22 starting at 9 a.m.

Mullins said those who have been before should come again because the reenactment is completely new and the Admiral Nimitz Museum from Fredericksburg will help put on a “small Pacific War.” He said members of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets will play the part of U.S. Marines during the reenactment.

The main reenactment will start around 3 p.m following a vehicle parade and small arms demonstration.

Parking will be available at the Santa’s Wonderland parking lot with shuttle to the museum. Donations are requested; $10 for adults and $5 for children older than five.

A school day living history demonstration will take place on Friday, March 21.

Click below to listen to the entire interview.

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