Motorcyclist Life-flighted after Striking Police Vehicle

College Station police will shut down the northbound lanes of highway six between Harvey Road and Briarcrest Drive Tuesday morning at 2 a.m. to allow investigators to reconstruct an accident that happened over the weekend.

A motorcyclist struck a parked College Station police patrol vehicle on the freeway at one in the morning Sunday.

The 27 year-old College Station resident was life-flighted to Scott and White Hospital in Temple with multiple fractures and major internal injuries.

According to the CSPD news release, two patrol vehicles were stopped as part of a separate DWI investigation when an officer noticed the motorcycle not slowing down or moving to the other lane.

Then the motorcycle braked and went into a skid, striking the left rear of the patrol vehicle.

The northbound lanes of the freeway were closed about four hours.

The accident reconstruction should take about four hours and motorists will be forced to use the service roads in between Harvey Road and Briarcrest Drive.

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