The thoughts of more than 500 local businessowners and decision makers were shared during this week’s Brazos County commission meeting.
Chamber of commerce president Glen Brewer said more than 150 volunteers collected information that went into this year’s Chamber Day survey…which was not done last year due to the pandemic.
18 business categories were represented in the survey. Five annual questions were asked along with three additional questions related to the pandemic.
As for overall responses:
80.59% of responses expect the local economy to increase.
Compared to the previous 12 months, sales increased for 45.88% of respondents, decreased for 32.16 percent, and stayed the same for 16.47%
Outside of business, the quality of life was rated excellent or good by 93.14% of respondents.
52.16% of respondents expect to increase the number of employees this year, 41.18% expect the same number, and 2.35% expect a decrease.
44.90% of respondents rate the quality of qualified job applicants as good and 30.59% as average.
216 of 510 respondents applied for and received COVID related government assistance or grants.
Asked about the impact COVID had on their business in 2020, 20.98% of respondents reported an increase, 56.08% reported a decrease, and 15.88% reported it stayed the same.
Asked to rate their business recovery from COVID in 2011, 71.96% reported an increase, 3.33% reported a decrease, and 16.86% reported it stayed the same.
Click below to hear comments from chamber of commerce president Glen Brewer at the May 4, 2021 Brazos County commission meeting.
Listen to “2021 Chamber Day survey results presented to Brazos County commissioners” on Spreaker.