More Student Housing Headed to Northgate and Possibly Texas A&M

The groundwork continues for more student housing in and around Texas A&M University.

Last week, the College Station city council approved a new high density classification in Northgate that will allow up to six unrelated occupants per unit, as long as each person has their own bedroom.

That was good news for a developer interested in building an eight floor complex, containing 700 to 800 beds and enough parking for each bed and retail customers.

A spokesman for the developer, Greg Jasper, says the rental cost per bedroom in a six bedroom unit is half the rent of a one-bedroom unit…making it the most attractive option for students.


Councilman Karl Mooney, whose office is across University from Northgate, was opposed at first, then was part of the 6-1 vote approving the new classification.


This Wednesday, the Texas A&M System board of regents might take action following an executive session on leasing 55 acres of land at an undisclosed location in Brazos County for more housing that would be controlled by the flagship campus. This is in addition to the four thousand beds being built or completed on west campus.

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